Saturday, February 10, 2007

Alabama State High Point

Cheaha Mountain. Native American word for "high place." This is how I spent Saturday morning. Elevation, only 2407 feet. I travelled about 80 miles east of Birmingham early this morning, and was treated to a great view from the top. It's just a drive-up montain, but still was a nice view. Got back to town and went back to the marathon expo for a bit. Then met Brian for yet another futile attempt at finding a brewery. It seems that they passed a law a couple years ago, and there is no longer any beer brewed in Birmingham. What a travesty!!!


Rudy said...

check out this list, maybe you will find a local brewery here Good luck today. Enjoy the clear roads.

dan said...

Hi Don,

Good luck finding some brews, if not, the Hideout will still be here when you get back.

Jill at trak shak dot com said...

Hi Don,

It was great meeting you this weekend in Birmingham! I hope we were able to show you a great "southern" experience. I'm really sorry about there not being a brewery around town. However, I hope our post-post race party beers were enough! Best of luck on your next adventure. Come back and see us next year! Jill - Mercedes Marathon staff