Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Antarctica Marathon

[Written by Don on Tuesday, 2/27/07.]  Yesterday was the marathon.  Not much for cold temperature--only around freezing, so not bad.  The bad part was the wind and snow.

We started at the Russian base and headed out through a mud field toward Collins Glacier. Because of a dusting of fresh snow and a little below freezing temperatures, the mud wasn't bad the first lap.  After three miles we reached the base of the glacier.  From there, it was a steep climb for a half mile to the turnaround spot, then back to the start/finish area.  Seven miles down Then out through the Chilean base, and a turn after a mile that would take us straight into the wind for the next two miles.  We went through a Chinese base as well, where they even had a water station for us for the first lap. The turnaround took us back the same way to the start/finish.

Now do it again, except that the mud had been tramped through enough that it was much harder to keep from getting your feet wet.  Pretty much impossible, actually.  The glacier seemed like a lot more of a climb this time--the consensus seems to be that they moved the turnaround out by another half mile or so.  :-)  The surface had gotten a bit colder and so it was just a little more slippery this time too.  On the way back, I saw two penguins, a gentoo and a chinstrap.  Back to the center, and only 6 miles to go.  Same drill, but at the place just before the 25 mile mark where we dropped our water bottles, I had also stashed a beer.  There's nothing like a cold beer waiting to pull you through the last miles.  After the turn, between 23 & 24, I watched a fur seal actually chasing my friend Tony and a couple others off the course. Pretty funny.  By the time I got there, it had gone off a bit and I was able to get some video of it.  A couple more chinstraps were near there for crowd support.  A mile and a quarter to go, and I stopped to drink a very nice can of Quilmes beer.  Actually, I drank half of it and left the rest there for Tee, who was only a half mile behind me. Finally--FINISH LINE--about 6:17 to complete continent 4 of 7!!!


Nasreen Fynewever said...

Congrats! Very impressive Marathon #4.

Lynell Shooks said...

ROCK ON. I'm enjoying watching this!